With the release of the Inspector General’s report coming soon, it will be interesting to see how those involved in the Russia Collusion Hoax react. After receiving leaked information, the New York Times has reported about a woman who was sent to SPY on the Trump campaign in 2016:
NY TIMES – The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?
The woman had set up the meeting to discuss foreign policy issues. But she was actually a government investigator posing as a research assistant, according to people familiar with the operation. The FBI sent her to London as part of the counterintelligence inquiry opened that summer to better understand the Trump campaign’s links to Russia.
The American government’s affiliation with the woman, who said her name was Azra Turk, is one previously unreported detail of an operation that has become a political flashpoint in the face of accusations by President Trump and his allies that American law enforcement and intelligence officials spied on his campaign to undermine his electoral chances. Last year, he called it “Spygate.”
The decision to use Ms. Turk in the operation aimed at a presidential campaign official shows the level of alarm inside the FBI during a frantic period when the bureau was trying to determine the scope of Russia’s attempts to disrupt the 2016 election, but could also give ammunition to Mr. Trump and his allies for their spying claims.
With the upcoming release of the Inspector General’s report, it’s a sure bet to cause panic in DC for those involved.
Of course, Twitter has been ablaze with tweets about this development, and it being leaked to the New York Times. Was this done to get ahead of the IG report? Of course, it was.
It is sure to be entertaining to watch the reaction of those involved in this treasonous act of spying on then-candidate Trump, and eventually the duly elected President Trump.
When President Trump first used the term, Drain the Swamp, his Deplorables cheered. However, in this writer’s opinion, I don’t believe any of us fully understood just how deep the corruption went in DC.
As we enter the 2020 Presidential election, those who have done their best to destroy President Trump and his America First Agenda will surly become even more unhinged. They know their days are numbered. They know their crimes are being exposed.
Who will be the first one indicted? It’s a sure bet they will be turning on each other as the evidence of their many crimes come to light.
We all knew President Trump and those in his campaign were innocent of the charges leveled against them. We all know the Democrats and their minions in the Deep State have done all they can to destroy his Presidency.
However, they have picked on the wrong man. President Trump is not one to sit idly by and allow the lies told by his enemies to stand. No, President Trump is perfectly willing to take the battle to them, and he will not stop until THEY are destroyed.

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