It seems as though several in DC refuse to consider the Russia Collusion investigation closed. With the release of the Mueller Report and there was NO proof of collusion with the Russians and NO obstruction of justice, you’d think those in DC would just LET IT GO.
However, that would be the logical thing to do, and we’ve all come to realize there is NOTHING logical about the actions of those connected to the Russia Collusion Hoax.
It seems since the Deep State players weren’t able to frame President Trump with a manufactured crime, they have now set their sights on his son, Donald Trump Jr.

The staff of the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee had interviewed Don Jr. in 2017. However, some of the senators have stated they would like to explore his answers in more depth after the comments made by former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen.
After issuing the subpoena, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, told his colleagues at the GOP caucus lunch last Thursday that Trump Jr. had backed out of two previous agreements to appear and clarify a few details in question.
However, his fellow GOP lawmakers made it clear they want to move on.
Sen. Burr, in consort with Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), issued the subpoena to compel Trump Jr. to testify. The subpoena is the first issued by a congressional committee to one of the president’s children.
The issues to be discussed were plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and the much-discussed campaign meeting Don Jr. had with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in New York City.

While Cohen had stated he briefed Don Jr. approximately ten times about the proposed Moscow project, Don Jr. has said he was only “peripherally aware” of the project.
In a Senate floor speech last week, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared the whole Russian investigation to be CLOSED. Several Republican senators agreed and called for the Intelligence Committee to leave the matter alone.
However, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, while on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, said Don Jr.’s attorneys should advise him not to cooperate any further.
Graham had said, “If I were Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer, I would tell him, you don’t need to go back into this environment anymore. You have been there for hours and hours and hours, and nothing being alleged here changes the outcome of the Mueller investigation.”
On Monday, Graham offered another option. He suggested Don Jr. show up but not speak. “You just show up and plead the Fifth and it’s over with,” Graham said.
In this writer’s opinion, that’s excellent advise. Why play into their foolish games.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) told CNN that Burr’s decision to drag Don Jr. in for more questions was not pleasing to his constituents.
“I think the outcry from most of the people in North Carolina has been one of surprise — and certainly not supportive,” he said. “If there’s one thing that I do hear from North Carolina voters it’s: It’s time to move on.”
This begs the question, WHY is it necessary to hash over the testimony of a convicted LIAR? We all know that Cohen will say or do anything to take the focus off his own crimes.
Also, what do they hope to gain by going after the President’s son? Is it a way to hurt the President? Or, are they worried he will enter politics himself? While I believe they would LOVE to hurt the President, I’m sure the latter has a lot to do with it. Look how they destroyed any future for Gov. Sarah Palin on the national political stage.
So, as the Democrats try to keep the Russia Collusion Hoax alive for as long as they can, we can’t help but see their main goal is to escape judgment for their crimes. I’m sure the worst day of their political careers was when the Mueller Report stated that President Donald J. Trump did NOT collude with the Russians, and he was NOT guilty of obstruction of justice. Two years of lies and finger-pointing from the Democrats turned out to be a big, fat ZERO!
So, as the Democrats and their accomplices in the Deep State scramble for cover and try to save themselves from prosecution, there is a silver lining in this whole mess. There is NOWHERE they can hide. Justice is coming.
Check-mate, they lose.
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