Don't be censored

It appears that California isn’t the only state facing the loss of a Congressional Seat. With citizens moving away from high tax, Socialist-leaning states, it comes as no surprise that New York is experiencing the potential loss of a seat in Congress.

However, there is also another problem, the number of illegal aliens living in those districts and the citizenship question proposed for the 2020 Census, can also cause a problem for the Democrats.

WHAT? Say it ain’t so! How is this even possible? AOC is a star in the Democrat Party, right?

While she may be a star in DC, it appears the Democrats in New York’s state legislature don’t agree. If they have their way, the freshman Member may be out of a job as soon as 2022.

California also set to lose congressional seat

New York is likely to lose a seat in Congress after the 2020 census. This means the Democrats in the state legislature must then redraw the state’s congressional districts. There are plenty of places to cut, but the New York Dems are reportedly eyeing Ocasio-Cortez’s Bronx district for elimination. You see, it seems she doesn’t play well with state-level Democrats who control the process.

The Trump administration had pushed to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. This was so they could quantify where illegals were settling after entering the country.

The Administration ended up dropping the bid when it was clear the change would be tied up in litigation beyond the deadline for the 2020 census question. However, it’s believed that illegals could still be nervous about filling out official government documentation, even if it’s an anonymous survey.

This is where the problem arises for AOC.

Not only is a full Census count important for making sure AOC’s district gets all the funds and services it’s due. It’s also the only way to prevent her district from being eliminated.

We all know that AOC will not go quietly into the night. She’s gotten a taste of power, and she’s surely not willingly walk away without a fight.

So, what else could she do? Run for a different office? Choices, choices… Oh, how about challenging New York Senator Chuck Schumer?

Now, that would be fun to watch.

Do you have your popcorn and favorite adult beverage ready? It looks like things are about to get quite entertaining as we watch those on the left side of the aisle fight to save their seats of power.

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