As Pro-Life supporters, we have had to watch as MILLIONS of the unborn were murdered in the name of a woman’s right to choose.
However, many of those in the Abortion Industry are willing to take it to a much darker level.
Reported in The Korea Times: An obstetrician has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison for killing a baby who “burst out crying” during abortion procedures.
The Seoul Central District Court on Friday convicted the doctor, 65, surnamed Yun, of killing a 34-week-old baby and suspended Yun’s medical license for three years.
“Medical staff who participated in the operation have consistently said they heard the baby crying,” a three-judge panel of the court said in a statement. “It is clear that the doctor killed the baby, who was born alive.”
Yun, who ran a maternity clinic in Seoul, received 28 million won ($23,000) for the operation from the mother of a pregnant girl, 16. Yun was later indicted on murder charges for putting the live baby in a bucket of water.
Last year, the Constitutional Court ruled that the law banning abortion was unconstitutional and demanded the National Assembly revise it by the end of 2020.
The court ruled that abortion before 22 weeks of pregnancy should be decriminalized, saying women’s rights to self-determination outweigh a fetus’ right to life.
So, is this where we are as a people? To take a crying child and murder it because somehow the child survived the abortion? I refuse to believe we have come to this point as a civilization.

As we face this COVID-19 virus, we MUST NOT forget that evil is still being committed against the unborn and the most innocent around the world.
We, as proud Americans and Patriots are not evil. We do not condone such acts. We must fight against this evil by electing those who hold the value of life in their hearts.

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