Contains the Opinion of the Writer
When it became apparent that the Democrats stole the 2020 election from President Trump, many Republicans supported election audits. However, we hear only a few fighting for integrity in the 2020 election. Where have all of the elected officials representing us gone?
We, The People, must send a message to congress. We must remind our elected officials we want to have the 2020 election audited. We should remind them if they do not fight for 2020 election audits, they will hear our voices come time to vote for them. Enough is enough.
I fear if we do not get the 2020 elections repaired, then we will never have another fair and free election again. Getting the 2020 presidential election right is not just about President Trump, as he has stated numerous times. It is most notably about saving our country as a free nation our forefathers intended it to be. It is about securing our freedom as Americans for our futures and that of our children.
President Trump talks about voter fraud and the rigged election.
If you believe the Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election, I encourage you to call your representatives and senators today and let them hear your voice. Our voices do matter.
I love the wise words of President Trump. We must not ever give in or give up. I stand with President Trump, and I will never stop fighting for the 2020 election audits. I suggest we tell congress we want every state audited in the 2020 presidential election. Every single state had integrity issues.
The only ones who can save us from the tyranny government that is now ruling America are We The People. It is time to stand up with courage and do what is right. May God bless America, President Trump, and all who are still on the front lines fighting for the 2020 election audits.
You can call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The operator will connect you to your state Senator’s office. You will find all of your Senator’s contact information here.
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