Contains Opinion of the Writer
Fake President Biden suggests we do not have Christmas together with our families this year. He says he and his family will follow the guidelines, which call for no more than ten people, and the guests should have a negative Covid test. Instead, he says we should do a virtual holiday. AP has full details.

I, for one, will NOT obey the suggestion but will welcome all of my friends and family to come and celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with me. Representative Madison Cawthorn agrees with me. PRO TIP: “Don’t let Fauci dictate how you celebrate your holidays.” Facebook page

Folks, this is not about protecting us. It is about CONTROLLING us. Our United States Constitution gives us the right to freely assemble and to come and go as we want to. I will not yield to a tyranny government hell-bent on taking my rights away from me.
I know from personal experience that we are not promised a tomorrow, so we must embrace love, and enjoy our family while they are with us.

Do not cower to the authoritarian government and bend to their will. Stand up for your rights and let the fake president know he does not control us? He will not tell us how to celebrate any special day, where we can go, or who we can spend time with.
We are still FREE AMERICANS, and we must fight for every single right we have under the United States constitution. But, we can fight for our freedoms with the courage that our God gives us.
We must show the government that our American spirit is still alive, and we will not back down.
Social media censorship is suppressing the truth about the dangers of globalism and brutal cultures infiltrating the west. Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that Democrats and the mainstream media suppress.
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