Contain Opinions of the Writer
According to BorderReport, we should expect 10,000 illegals to move toward the United States when the North American Summit starts.
Irineo Mujica is an American citizen who is organizing the large caravan headed our way. He appears pretty proud of what he is about to do to American citizens.
Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News@BenBergquam·. “How has he not lost his American citizenship yet? He is organizing the invasion of our country in a foreign country! It’s treason!”
I agree with Ben. But, unfortunately, nothing will be done to stop this invasion because Biden, Harris, and their cronies are turning their backs on the crisis. These communists we have run the White House, and their minions in D.C. want our country to be invaded to fulfill their agenda.
I think that at some point, we will never get the illegal aliens out of America once they are here, at least not under the Biden regime. With all of these illegals inside America, our country will never be the same. This is an invasion of America, and they are dangerous people with harmful intent toward us.
It is time for Americans to wake up to the border crisis and demand those in congress that work for us do something to stop the invasion. They can no longer turn a blind eye and ignore the border. So many may think, “It’s not affecting me,” but it is.
Our fellow Americans that live near the southern border are in danger every single day. , Unfortunately, eventually, that danger will come to your neighborhood too.
I urge you to call your senators today and stress that the border crisis is a massive concern for us, and we want them to take a stand. Also, let’s continue to pray for the safety of our fellow citizens that live near the southern border and have to endure the dangers every day.
You can call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
The operator will connect you to your state senator’s office. You will find all of your senator’s contact information here.
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