Contains Opinion of the Writer
Real America’s Voice, Just the News, had an interesting interview with Illinois attorney Kristin Erickson, who helped a dying COVID patient win court-ordered treatment with ivermectin and survived.
Erickson represented 71-year-old Sun Ng of Naperville, Ill., who was on a ventilator for weeks and dying with COVID-19 when his lawyer won a court order Nov. 8 to force the hospital to treat him with ivermectin, an anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory drug long used widely in the United States to treat a disease like Lupus.
Within days. Erickson said that Ng recovered and is now back home walking and enjoying life. Read the Full Intervew, or listen to the interview with John Solomon Reports.
Ivermectin has been controversial, but if you do your research, you will find that ivermectin for humans is used for various conditions and has been proven beneficial to helping Covid patients, so why is it not backed by the United States?
I believe Kristin Erickson is right when she said, “I think the fact that it is so cheap, you know, and not money-making, could be the reason that we don’t use, we don’t want to back it,” Erickson said. “We don’t want the studies here in the United States.”
It is time we begin looking away from the pharmaceutical industry for our health needs. Return to natural remedies and healing methods. At the very least, research alternative methods and medicines such as Ivermectin. The industry does not have our best interest in mind.
The pharmaceutical industry cares more about the dollar than actually helping people heal. And that has to change.
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