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The Big Steal Exposed

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Contains opinions of the writer

As a Trump Patriot, the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election was not only a disappointment but was quite infuriating. We all saw the Trump rallies and the Biden gatherings. While Trump had thousands of loyal Patriots cheering him on, Biden was lucky to have more supporters than media at his events.

On election night, we all went to bed believing that we had four more glorious years with President Trump in the White House. We all knew there was no way that Biden had won. However, in the middle of the night, something unthinkable happened. Somehow, the vote numbers flipped, and we soon learned that Sleepy Joe had somehow won the Presidency.

Of course, none of us believed what the media was reporting. It just didn’t add up. How did President Trump go from being ahead hundreds of thousands of votes to being way behind suddenly?

We all know the Democrats will do anything to hold on to power. Heck, we went through four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, a first impeachment, and then a second impeachment launched over a phone call. What happened during the vote-counting process for the 2020 Presidential election shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone paying attention.

However, the Democrats never expected all the election fraud to come to the light of day.

Arizona State Representative and Trump-endorsed candidate for Secretary of State Mark Finchem has reported that he is already working on a five-page resolution to reclaim Arizona’s electors. “We have a mountain of evidence,” said Finchem, “and more is being delivered to Attorney General Mark Brnovich daily.”

Finchem has revealed that he is working on a resolution to reclaim all of Arizona’s 2020 electors. “We have a mountain of evidence,” Finchem stated. “The resolution that I’m putting together right now we have five pages, and that is growing because more evidence is being turned over to our attorney general’s office. It’s beyond clear and convincing. I was just reviewing some of the case law that supports the duty of the legislature to act. We have a duty. It’s not an option. It’s a duty.”

Massive evidence was delivered to Attorney General Brnovich four months ago, and Arizona now awaits the results of his investigation and the ongoing audit of the election routers.

We’ve all heard reports of mail-in ballots with no folds and those with only Biden marked on them. Anyone with half a brain would know those are fraudulent votes.

However, Arizona is not the only state looking into voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. The Wisconsin General Assembly voted last month to advance Rep. Tim Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim the 2020 electors for President and Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes. The legislation will now move forward to the Wisconsin Rules Committee and then to the Wisconsin Senate. Will the resolution live or die? We will have to wait and see what happens.

Of course, we all remember the antics in Georgia on election night. The Democrats and liberal media tried to convince us we did not see what was clearly on the video.

No matter how much they tried to change the narrative, we all knew the truth. Massive cheating happened on election night, and it was caught on camera. We all remember watching the election workers pulling cases of ballots from under tables and running ballots through the counter multiple times.

Apparently, they had been working hard to suppress Republican votes long before election day as well.

It appears the George election workers were fired for shredding voter registration forms. The fired workers had been employed by Fulton County, where questionable election night conduct attracted nationwide attention in 2020. The Fulton County Board of Elections workers were dismissed after other employees saw them destroying registration forms awaiting processing before local elections in November.

Michigan has also taken measures to prevent any future voter fraud after three Metro Detroit women were charged with election fraud by Attorney General Dana Nessel in connection to absentee ballot applications and ballots submitted during Michigan’s 2020 general election.

Democrat vote fraud is a genuine and ongoing threat to representative democracy. This is why election integrity laws that are supported by the vast majority of Americans are misrepresented by members of their party, their media allies, and partisan think tanks as voter suppression. If we want free and fair elections that reflect the people’s will, all voter fraud must be eliminated. The only way to accomplish that is for Americans to turn out in unprecedented numbers in 2022 and prosecute those guilty of fraud.

President Trump called it from the beginning. Now, the proof is proving him right… again.

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