Contains Opinion of the Writer
As we all fulfill our civic duty today, let us not forget to pray for the process to go smoothly. We already know that the Democrats have cheated in the past, and they will attempt to do so today. I pray that God puts the right people in the right places to stop Satan’s plans for evil.
Our forefathers based our constitution on Godly Principals, and I believe there are still more Americans who love and live by the constitution than those who want to destroy it. So today, I think we will see millions who still love our country and our constitution stand together and begin taking the first steps in taking our country back. And then, we will continue saving our country in the 2024 Presidential election by placing President Trump back where he should be and where God ordained him to be for a time such as this.
I also wanted to encourage you that no matter what occurs today or the outcome of the elections, we must never forget God still sits on the throne and has the master plan.
Social media censorship is suppressing the truth about the dangers of globalism and brutal cultures infiltrating the west. Please share this article wherever you can. It is the only way we can work around their censorship and ensure people receive news about issues that Democrats and the mainstream media suppress.
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