Contains Opinion of the Writer
British comedian Russell Brand interviews actor Tim Robbins as he reflects back to Covid-19’s first appearance and his initial reaction to it. It was quite an interesting interview and worth watching.
Robbins told Brand on Brand’s podcast that he denounces the politicization of health policies during the pandemic and expresses remorse about his uncritical acceptance of the media’s COVID-19 narrative.
“We turned into tribal, angry, vengeful people” – Tim Robbins.
He says that he did all that was asked of him. He distanced socially, he masked up, and it angered him that others did not so easily comply. When the catastrophe of and for the unvaccinated that the Western governments and the media guaranteed Robbins and others hadn’t come to be, he questioned what else was not true. The fact is that Robbins and others like him have an influence on the public, and when one of them speaks out, it is essential as it proves that people, even Hollywood, are waking up to the fact that our government and other governments lied to us.
“You go from someone that is inclusive, altruistic, generous, empathetic, to a monster where you want to freeze people’s bank accounts because they disagree with you,” he said. “That’s a dangerous thing. That’s a dangerous world that we’ve created. And I say ‘we’ because I was part of that. I bought into that whole idea early on.”
Tim Robbins is probably still a leftist, but I commend him for speaking up about the abuses that those of us who chose not to vaccinate endured. He admits there is a thing called natural immunity.
It gives me hope to think if a leftist actor such as Robbins can wake up and admit when he is wrong, there is hope that others will eventually see the light as well. Then, as a result of a mass awakening, perhaps we can start working together and rebuilding the America we all love and remember.
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