Contains Opinion of the Writer
On Tuesday, the Senate voted to move the $1.7 trillion, 4,155-page legislative whopper to keep the government funded for the rest of the 2024 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1. Leadership hopes to finalize it this week — before a partial government shutdown takes effect at 11 p.m. Friday.
How does anyone think the members read every page of the bill before voting on it? How do they know what is in it if they didn’t read it? Nancy Pelosi once said they had to sign a bill before knowing what was in it. Eighteen traiterous Republicans voted in favor of the bill. With their YES vote, they have betrayed the American people.
They added changes concerning elections, billions of funding to Ukraine, Planned Parenthood, Michelle Obama, LGBTQ education for school age children, and other horroundeous changes.
Below are lists of those who voted YES on the bill and a list of the traitrous Republicans who betrayed the American people.
Every senator who voted yes on this bill must be held accountable by the voters. We must vote them out at the end of their next term. They have betrayed us with this bill. It will be a disaster for Americans. This bill is ridiculous and is going to fundamentally change America.
Please, send them a message that we are tired of their lies, empty promises, and cowardness. We must put real Conservatives into office that will put America first.
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