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House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the Foreign Affairs Committee, notching a win for Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who has long vowed to oust the Minnesota Democrat from the panel. The chamber approved the resolution in a party-line 218-211...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in Ukraine Russia’s Defense Ministry on Monday laid out more evidence that US-funded laboratories were working in Ukraine. Documents and materials recovered by Russian troops showed that Western pharmaceutical companies operating...

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Latest articles

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

GOP Chairwoman Says GOP Loves the Grassroots, but Do They?

Contains Opinion of the Writer GOP Chairwoman had a few things to say about the...

President Trump Leads in the Polls

Contains Opinion of the Writer According to the Emerson College Poll, President Trump leads in...