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Children's Health Defense

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

Florida’s Surgeon General Not Reccomending Covid-19 Shots for Healthy Children

Contains Opinion of the Writer Children's health is a battle that we cannot afford to...

Study Shows Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine in Children 5- to 11 only 12% Effective

Contains Opinion of the Writer Children's Health Defense releases interesting news citing that a new...

Pfizer Delays Application to Vaccinate Children Under Five

Contains Opinions from the Writer I wrote an article sharing a Children's Health Defense video...

FDA Wants to Vaccinate Children 6 Months to 4 Years Old

Contains Opinion of the Writer Mary Holland, President, and General Counsel, Children's health defense, informs...

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Trial: One Volunteer’s Story

Contain Opinions of the Writer The Defender, Children's Health Defense News and Views, created by...

HQC and Ivermectin Debate Continues

Contains Opinion of the Writer Our goal at Trump Dispatch is to bring current, informative...

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House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

GOP Chairwoman Says GOP Loves the Grassroots, but Do They?

Contains Opinion of the Writer GOP Chairwoman had a few things to say about the...

President Trump Leads in the Polls

Contains Opinion of the Writer According to the Emerson College Poll, President Trump leads in...