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Kamala Harris is Concerned over Climate Change

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Contains Opinion of the Writer

Vice President Kamala Harris travels to Lake Mead to discuss the climate crisis while our borders are wide open and allowing unvetted, diseased people into our country. She or the president has not bothered to visit the border to see what is happening there. I suppose Vice President Harris wants to save the climate for all the communists and Jehadists that are hellbent to destroy the good and decent people of the world. At least, we know where her priorities lie.

Her tweet was not received as she might have hoped.

Others pointed out the irony of flying in a jet across the country to a conference about climate change.

I think that helping the people that live in the world is just as important as climate change. For the American leadership at this time their essential responsibility should work toward protecting Americans, and that begins with the border crisis and other vital issues in America.

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