Contains Opinion of the Writer
His comment in the press conference shows just how much out of touch he and Washington are. The food shortage is not ‘going’ to be real. It already is a reality. Oh, I’m sure it can worsen than it is now.
Millions of Americans all over the country have to cut back, and women who choose to stay at home with their children may be looking for employment outside the home to assist with the rising costs of everything.
I pray that President Trump runs in 2024 and wins because Joe Biden is the worst president ever. And imagine, we have two more years with this clown. God, help us.
Food shortages aren’t our only problem as Conservative Americans.
Biden stood on the world stage and called Americans who love Donald Trump Nazis. So they are coming for us. Instead of unifying the country, his administration wants to divide us and make the Conservatives appear as public enemies.
He thinks he is doing a better job as president, but he could not be more wrong. The economy is not better under him. Does he really believe the words he spews out of his mouth?
Dinesh D’Souza thinks Biden is terrified President Trump will defeat him in 2024.
I think President Trump will win in the next presidential election, and so we have something to look forward to as we struggle through the next two years with this clown. So stay strong, don’t back down, and have faith God will see us through the storm.
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