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HomeGovernmentCorruptionMadison Cawthorn reveals Corruption in D.C.

Madison Cawthorn reveals Corruption in D.C.

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Contains Opinion of the Writer

Madison Cawthorn is the youngest Congressman in modern history elected to congress. He is the 8th generation resident of North Carolina’s 11th Congressional district.

His ancestors have served Western North Carolina communities for over 200 years, including in the Revolutionary War.

Madison was homeschooled in Hendersonville and received a full-ride ROTC scholarship to N.C. State and was also nominated to the U.S. Naval Academy by Rep. Mark Meadows in 2014. However, a traumatic accident changed his plans.

In an enlightening interview, Rep. Madison Cawthorn spoke with John Lovell at the Poet Society podcast. He mentions Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman in the discussion and relates it to the blue-collar worker. It was humorous and a great point about middle-class Americans and the importance of blue-collar workers in our country.

Madison explains how corrupt politicians try and swoon new representatives with hopes to blackmail them later.

He reveals that since moving to Washington, D.C., politicians he has looked up to for years approached him and invited him to ‘sexual parties.’ Madison saw powerful people do “key bumps” of cocaine in front of him while the media collected scandalous stories to blackmail people.

He also reveals some powerful people are not in politics pulling the strings in our capital.

In a tweet, Jack Posobiec reminds us that @jaketapper wrote a whole book about the corruption in Hollywood and D.C.

We all know Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption. Freshman senators join congress with good intentions but many fall to the temptations placed in front of them and cannot handle the pressure.

Madison says it best when he reminds us, we live in a fallen world, and people are fallible. It is why he believes in term limits. I agree. They keep their minds focused on helping America and not on making it a lifelong career for the perks, benefits, and money made off the American people.

It is refreshing to see young people that cannot be corrupted enter the political arena. But, we need more young men and women like Madison Cawthorn who can handle themselves to come to D.C. and rid our country of the old guard.

It is not for the weak, and Madison Cawthorn is not vulnerable. He is a strong young man with Christian Conservative values who says, “America First-Always.” He is a constitutionalist, and we need more representatives that believe in our constitution.

I look forward to following Madison Cawthorn’s career in congress. He is doing great things and will do great things in the future.

Madison Cawthorn


Warrior Poet

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