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HomeOpinionNorth Dakota Attorney General Questions Bill Gates' Plans for 242,000 Acres He...

North Dakota Attorney General Questions Bill Gates’ Plans for 242,000 Acres He has Purchased in Pembina County

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Bill Gates is interested in buying a lot of farmland in North Dakota. Gates recently purchased 242,000 acres using his trust, which amounts to six parcels of land in Pembina County.

Gates is accused of pushing very controversial ideas on Americans, which authorities in North Dakota may not like.

He has publicly said that the U.S. should replace real meat with synthetic beef to help fight climate change. However, Bill Gates is making his plan clear on what he wants. He does not want you to eat real meat but synthetic meat.

Attorney General Drew Wrigley confirms his investigation will determine how Gates intends to use or hoard the land in North Dakota.

The Attorney General can move forward with the investigation because North Dakota has set certain limitations on trusts and restricts farmland ownership to corporations and limited liability companies. Thankfully, this may mean Gates cannot move forward with plans depending on the investigation’s findings.

If Gates succeeded in his plan, it could mean bad news for ranchers and cattlemen. The billionaire could prevent ranchers from grazing their cows on his extensive property, cutting them off from land they’ve used for decades. In turn, it could force the beef industry to raise its prices. Moreover, hoarding farmland in America could harm the American supply chain.

I hope and pray that Bill Gates’ plan to overhaul the meat industry is stopped. But, unfortunately, this is an event we must keep our eyes on.

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