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House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

Some of George Soros’s Puppets Facing Justice

Contains Opinion of the Writer It appears that George Soros-backed District Attorneys are getting recalled...

Breaking: President Trump Holds a Surprise News Conference

President Trump delivers a surprise news conference where he speaks about the developing reports...

More Democrat Dirty Tricks!

The DNC controlled media has sunk to a new low with the release of...

Will Robert Mueller Testify?

The Democrats were NOT happy with the findings in the Mueller Report. They were...

The Mueller Witch Hunt is OVER!

The day of reckoning is FINALLY here. The Democrats and their willing accomplices in...

Sen. Ted Cruz Lays Down the Gauntlet

This line of questioning of AG Barr by Sen. Ted Cruz is quite illuminating....

The ‘Tolerant’ Left Attacks Candace Owens

With the Democrats doing their best to label anyone who supports President Trump as...

Latest articles

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

GOP Chairwoman Says GOP Loves the Grassroots, but Do They?

Contains Opinion of the Writer GOP Chairwoman had a few things to say about the...

President Trump Leads in the Polls

Contains Opinion of the Writer According to the Emerson College Poll, President Trump leads in...