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HomeHealthcareThe Search for Truth: Part 1

The Search for Truth: Part 1

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Don't be censored

This article contains the opinions of the writer.

As the people of the world flock to get the Jab, more and more of them are getting hit with horrible side effects and some even death. How is this possible, you may ask. Why would these ‘respected’ companies, I use that term loosely, create a vaccine that causes horrible health issues and even kills those injected with it?

Well, the simple answer is it is part of an evil plan to depopulate the world to a controllable 500 million people. Heck, those involved have said so themselves.

Agenda 21: Depopulation Of 95% Of The World By 2030

As President Trump has said numerous times, “These people are sick.” However, the lengths to which they will go to fulfill their evil agenda will shock you.

In the video below, you will see what they have unleashed on the people of the world.

Is your blood boiling yet? If not, it will after watching this next video.

The images below will educate you on the Elites plan for the people of the world, and how they plan to achieve it. However, they never expected the Patriots around the world to stand up and push back. It’s sad, though, how many people have blindly surrendered to their evil plan and had that life-altering poison injected into their bodies.

There is an evil agenda behind the vaccine.

However, we are not alone in this battle. There are a few brave Patriots in government and the media who are speaking out. Our words and standing together are the enemies of the people’s worst nightmare.

There you have it, my fellow Patriots. We must arm ourselves with facts in this battle. We will have those who will try to label us as conspiracy nuts, but that’s okay. As more and more of the truth seeps into the major media, the day will come when the blind sheeple will no longer be able to believe the lies told to them by those in the leftist media, and the corrupt politicians around the world. Continue to pray, and know that you are now alone in this battle.

Don't be censored

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