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Russia Collusion Hoax

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

Justice: John Durham to Fully Expose Everything

Contains opinions of the writer It's been a long time coming, but it appears the...

Adam Schiff Confronted For Spreading Disinformation About Trump-Russia Collusion

On Tuesday’s episode of “The View,” former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus accused Schiff,...

Collusion Confirmed: The Plot Failed

The Deep State players thought their crimes against the American people would never be...


OPINION We all knew it would happen. We all knew they were guilty. With the bombshell...

Russia 2.0: The Media Is At It Again

Well, it comes as NO surprise the Democrats and the lamestream Leftist Media are...

Strike Three… You’re OUT!

From the Fake Russia Dossier to the Mueller probe, and finally, to the Ukraine...

Operation Crossfire Hurricane

OPINION: We've all seen how the Democrats and Deep State players in the FBI...

Adam Schiff Faces Anti-Impeachment Protesters

We've all watched as Rep. Adam Schiff of California has gone on the media,...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m Not a Lawyer’

At her Thursday afternoon news conference on Capitol Hill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi did her...

Moves and Countermoves

Well, the Democrats have done it. This morning House Democrats announced two Articles of...

It’s Hammer Time

We have all watched as the Democrats and their accomplices in the leftist media...

Will Obama’s Spygate be the Destruction of the Democrat Party?

As we all wait for the release of the DOJ report, it appears those...

Latest articles

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

GOP Chairwoman Says GOP Loves the Grassroots, but Do They?

Contains Opinion of the Writer GOP Chairwoman had a few things to say about the...

President Trump Leads in the Polls

Contains Opinion of the Writer According to the Emerson College Poll, President Trump leads in...