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2020 Presidential election

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

The Elites Are STILL Afraid of Donald Trump!

Contains Opinion of the Writer The video below is two years old but still accurate...

Americans Come Together with a Clear Message for Joe Biden

Contains Opinion of the Writer When Donald Trump ran in 2016, the media and celebrities...

Wendy Rogers Updates on Arizona Audit

Contains Opinion of the Writer Wendy Rogers calls the 2020 election the real insurrection. I...

Biden’s Administration Crumbling Before Our Eyes

Contains Opinion of the Writer The White House presents a united stand behind Joe Biden....

Joe Biden Fights the Release of a Dominion Voting System Report

Contains Opinion of the Writer Joe Biden doesn't want a report that concerns potential flaws...

The Big Steal Exposed

Contains opinions of the writer As a Trump Patriot, the outcome of the 2020 Presidential...

Voter Fraud: 2020 Election Fight is Not Over

Contains Opinion of the Writer The battle to make the 2020 presidential election right is...

Judge Jeanine Interviews President Trump

Contains Opinion of the Writer Judge Jeanine interviews President Trump and it was an outstanding...

There is NO Stopping the Truth Now!

The truth about the 2020 election steal is coming to the surface more and...

Be Careful What You Ask For… You Just Might Get it.

Wow, the last few days have been a wild ride with Sidney Powell and...

BIG Things are Happening

With each passing day, we are getting closer to President Trump being made President-Elect...

Who are the Proud Boys?

OPINION It seems as though the Democrats refuse to accept that President Trump has denounced...

Latest articles

House Removes Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee

Contains Opinion of the Writer House Republicans voted on Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from...

The US Operated Biolabs in Ukraine Tested on Ukrainian Citizens and Soldiers

Contains Opinion of the Writer Video description: Moscow provides more evidence of US Biolabs in...

GOP Chairwoman Says GOP Loves the Grassroots, but Do They?

Contains Opinion of the Writer GOP Chairwoman had a few things to say about the...

President Trump Leads in the Polls

Contains Opinion of the Writer According to the Emerson College Poll, President Trump leads in...